What I learned in 2020
2 min readDec 31, 2020
2020 is a specially year, at least we are survived in this year. We should feel happy about this. Here is what I have learned in 2020.
Life Style
- Try to be helpful, you earn more when you give/ability to give, eg opportunity, praise.
- Ask before talk, listen would be more important than talk; think in other people’s position.
- It is always good to try out new thing, but yes, it is challenging; remember to balance it well, calm down and be positive is the key.
- Respect people, not all people want to be a millionaire, they might just enjoy what they are doing.
- A good question could be more valuable than an answers; a lot questions actually don’t have right answer, especially when we deal with political or emotion.
- Be kind and patient, especially dealing with kids; your anger make them feel scared and the situation could get worth.
- Million dollar could be earning in one month; it usually happens in the newspaper, right now it is just nearby someone, especially in international trading business domain.
- Trust is a bar, people usually say education and research are the success factor, but building trust also requires certain skill set. People buying product not just only because you get a better price, good quality but also good people service (at least right now AI still can’t totally replace the human service).
- React Native has a lot hacking work, it is based on React, but you will facing more challenge when coding React Native.
- We don’t need cover all features in tests, there are several level of depth for testing; tests could blocks other peoples work.
- Keep testing simple and small, don’t use complicate logic to handle it, eg if statement; it should be straightforward.
- Practice stack diffs, yes, it could easily cause conflict, but it is easier for code reviewing and move fast.
- Keep regular pace would be helpful to make a big move.
I don’t really plan in yearly, I feel I have never able to control it so well. Plan would be always out of shape, and make me stress and depressed, so just keep work on what I have and keep eyes for new opportunity. Try keep to make a progress and improvement instead of achievement. I believe the success will come naturally.
Finally, stay healthy and safe!